Help Haiti Team Ambassador Pledge “hhPledge”

"I Pledge to Help-Haiti Mission123
as Ambassador of Help-Haiti Team"

Domestic and Diaspora patriots and Friends of Haiti Worldwide join Help-Haiti Team
by filling out Pledge form below and crossing 4 fingers to make a Double-H  ~hhFingersign

What is Help-Haiti Mission123?

1- #SaveHaiti one Ambassador Kid, one person, or one Humane-Holistic-Hygienic project at a time.
2- Support #HaitianGrace, Healthy Haiti Club, Help-Haiti Cooperative, Help-Haiti Masterplan, Hope4Haiti Ministry, PEAS R US, and Public Service Modules.
3- Advocate for a green economy, climate resilience, eco-justice, food security, lifetime learning, sanitation, and universal employment to #BuildABetterHaiti.

How Ambassadors serve on Help-Haiti Team

Volunteer Ambassadors render public services *My Way - at My Option and Convenience:
Administrator - Adviser - Advocate - Analyst - App Design - Blog - Broadcaster - Builder - Coach - Clerical/Data - Consult - Design
Developer - Emcee - Fundraiser - Guardian - Healthcare Provider - Instruct - Journalist - Lifestyle Exemplar - Manage - Medical Provider
Mentor - Music Director - Organizer - Performer -  Ph0tography/Videography - Planner - Producer - Programmer - Publicist
Research - iSave Practitioner - Social Media - Social Services - Solicitor - Storyteller - Teach - Teamleader - Translate - Vocational Trainer...
(Perks, Stipends and *iSave and Mission123-Plus covenants may apply)

What is Help-Haiti Masterplan?

5-year, 3-phase $100,000,000 plan to Help the People and Heal the Land.
Phase One: build-out Public Service Modules in R-Solution Community Centers @89, @35
$3.0M x 18 months ends 5.30.24
Phase Two: develop 944-acre Cooperative Community Campus in Port Royal (aka @944, VeganVillage1)

Phase Three: open Haiti Natural Hospital, expand Public Service Modules and develop Help-Haiti MegaPlan

Help us help domestic and diaspora Haitians to #BuildABetterHaiti.
~Ritho Jean Louis - President of R-Solution 2004, Inc. and benefactor of RJL Help Haiti Cooperative Trust

hhTeam recruiting hundreds of dedicated and skillful Ambassadors to empower Ambassador Kids and #BuildABetterHaiti.
~Chairman Jeff 'VeganMan' Tucker

Scroll down to join hhTeam as Ambassador

I Pledge myself to Help-Haiti Mission123

Take action today to Help Haiti
Any amount you can donate will make a huge difference. We rely heavily on the generosity of the international community. We can't do this without your help. Five years may seem like a long time from now but we are raising funds, providing immediate support and developing a pool of professionals and volunteers that will be instrumental in sustaining this mission way beyond your initial gift. Help Us Help Haiti.